Here visitors and fans will be able to see recent up to date news about the event and also see other twitters opinions on what they think of Crufts and past Crufts exhibitions. Also twitters can also comment on other twitters opinions of what other twitters have said.
So far the Crufts twitter page has:
· 2,769 following meaning who the Crufts twitter page is following
· 2,787 followers meaning people who are following the Crufts twitter page
· 87 listed means lists which the Crufts twitter page is on
· Tweets : 1,372 meaning how many updates have been tweeted on the page and also comments people have tweeted (commented) on the Crufts twitter page as well
· 2,769 following meaning who the Crufts twitter page is following
· 2,787 followers meaning people who are following the Crufts twitter page
· 87 listed means lists which the Crufts twitter page is on
· Tweets : 1,372 meaning how many updates have been tweeted on the page and also comments people have tweeted (commented) on the Crufts twitter page as well

So far the Babyshambles twitter Page has:
· 1 following
· 50 listed
· Tweets: 5
· 1 following
· 50 listed
· Tweets: 5

So in conclusion it is clearly shown that both the twitter pages use this kind of social network promotion material to advertise their exhibition and tour but the Crufts twitter page is more current and recently updated compared to the Babyshambles one, as Crufts was last updated 04/03/2010 at 4.00pm while the Babyshambles twitter page was last updated in 2009 on the 19th August at 2.42pm clearly showing that Crufts is more up to date with their twitter fans compared to Babyshambles.
Lastly the Crufts twitter page has more twitter followers than Babyshambles with a comparison of 1056 followers more maybe this is due to the Crufts exhibition targeting different types of target audiences compared to the Babyshambles just targeting one certain audience being music fans and also the Crufts exhibition being an exhibition while Babyshambles is a live music band which are totally different events.
Very interesting analysis and caomprison. I think the people running Crufts web marketing are rather better atit than the Babyshambles team