Crufts and the music group Babyshambles both have an official website for fans and the general public to click and browse onto. The only difference is that one of the websites is more up to date than the other one.
- Crufts: http://www.crufts.org.uk/

The Crufts official website is very easy to use as the layout is a very simple format using bright colours and pictures of the event to attract the customer to the website and entice them to attend the event.
All the different information for the event is broken down into different categories represented through different headings so that any type of user can then understand and find information that they need to know about the event. Also the information about the event such as show information, Tickets prices etc is not presented on just one page it is broken down into different sections so the customer can just click onto the different sections straight away finding the information that they require without having to research and reading loads of text making it less time consuming for the customer.

Lastly at the top of the page is a gigantic logo of the main sponsor which will help to promote and sponsor the Crufts Exhibition. From clicking directly on the logo it will provide a direct link to the sponsors official website page for guests to browse around and find out more information about the main sponsor of the event.

The home page also contains the latest updates on news about Crufts which provides a short summary of news articles of Crufts with a direct link to the article for readers to read more about.

On the right hand side of the home page there is a small section which informs guests of the different days and dates which different dog breeds will perform. Also in that section is the television coverage times for viewers to watch the exhibition on the online television service.

Crufts also provides an icon for guests to click straight onto a direct link to purchase Crufts tickets without having to waste time looking through the different sections.

Dotted around the homepage are other links to different websites and sponsors of the event such as You Tube for watching videos of past Crufts exhibitions, Social network links to Twitter, Amazon for buying Crufts Merchandise and Crufts TV for watching live footage of the exhibition and past exhibitions.

But as for the official webpage for Babyshambles it is similar to the Crufts webpage layout as the website provides different headings with different sections for fans and visitors to look at such as photo’s, gig page, news page, merchandise for direct links to the company Bootleg which has a partnership with Babyshambles for selling their merchandise etc.
As for the design of the homepage compared to Crufts it is very plain and simple and is not very eye catchy as natural colours such as brown and black are used compared to bright colours for the Crufts homepage. Also Pete Doherty’s own hand drawn paintings and drawings are used to represent the background of the homepage.

Lastly at the very bottom of the home page is the official Kennel Club logo to represent that Crufts is an official competition and also that the webpage is the official website for Crufts Exhibition 2010 providing correct information for the event and tickets for visitors .

- Babyshambles: http://www.babyshambles.net/
Babyshambles provides fans and visitors with an official website but the problem with the website is that it was last updated on the 12th of May 2008 making the website over two years out of date and not informing people of what the band is up to and has been up to in the last two years.
Instead the band has decided to update their news and tour dates etc on their official MySpace page instead.

Also on the homepage since May 12th 2008 was updated current news of the band such as tour dates and links to buying tickets. Similar to Crufts the news section will show a short summary of the article and then provide a direct link to the article in more depth.

Lastly for links of the band and record label sponsors there are no logos or mention of sponsors on the home page instead the band have provided their own separate heading and section which provides direct links to other websites which have partnerships with Babyshambles.

Lastly for links of the band and record label sponsors there are no logos or mention of sponsors on the home page instead the band have provided their own separate heading and section which provides direct links to other websites which have partnerships with Babyshambles.
So in conclusion it is shown through each website that both events have an official website but Crufts provides a more up to date webpage for fans and visitors with their latest news update being 02/03/2010 while Babyshambles was 12/05/2008. Both official sites provide a similar layout of splitting the information into different sections for visitors and both provide links to buying tickets and sponsors.
As for both layouts Crufts provides a more attractive appeal to customers using bright colourful pictures and text while Babyshambles use basic dull colours and hardly any photos. Lastly Crufts provides a quick and easy direct link to other sites and sponsors through sponsor logo’s being on different sections etc while with Babyshambles you have to click on a certain section to find direct links making it little more time consuming for the visitor.
You have put a huge effort into this blog. I am mightily impressed. I am particulary pleased to see the comparison / conclusio on the end of each posting.