I was looking through specific special dog magazines in WHSmiths in the magazine section when I came across an advert for the Crufts exhibition 2010.
I could only find one Crufts advert in one specific magazine which was in Dogs Monthly (Issue No 1, Page 2 ,January 2010) but not in any other dog or pet magazines, which I thought was rather strange but after doing my research I found out that Crufts might have only had a promotional advertisement contract with one magazine which is Dogs Monthly and from looking quoted at the Dog Monthly official website “The number One read for dog lovers today” it is shown that this is the top magazine in the U.K for dog owners to read, So Crufts have advertised in this certain magazines because they know it’s a popular magazine with the general public and is a great method of advertising their event.

The advert was found on the very first page of opening up the magazine, the advert covers a whole page of A4 paper and provides readers straight away in bold bright text of information of when the Crufts exhibition is taking place and what certain days certain breeds of dogs will be performing.
Also on the advertisement are the same pictures which were used on the Crufts official website and direct mail of the dog who won “Best in show in 2009” this picture represent to readers what Crufts is all about “finding the dog of the year and best in show”. Also there are pictures of dogs taking part in other competitions such as agility and there is a large picture of a happy family. I think Crufts is trying to represent to readers that this exhibition is suitable for families of all ages.
In the top right hand corner notifying readers is the DFS logo who are the main sponsorship organisation for Crufts 2010 and the name of the exhibition underneath in bold to inform readers what the event is that is being advertises in the magazine.
Finally at the very bottom of the page the advertisement is reminding readers of the final closing dates to book tickets by post and online with a link to the official webpage. In the very right hand corner are social network organisations which Crufts has partnerships with for which readers can find more information about the event. Also the Kennel Club logo is represented in the very right corner, this symbolises to readers that this is an official event which is being held which is recognised by the Kennel Club making it authorised and approved of.
I have found out prices for organisations to advertise their products or services in the Dogs Monthly magazine:
Dogs Monthly magazine works alongside ABM Publishing LTD who is a leading magazine in the U.K for over 24 years.
ABM Publishing has quoted to organisations “Advertising with us will provide you with instant exposure to a global community of dedicated readers and a print run of 15,000 copies.”
Advertising Rates:
- Double page spread £2000
- Full Page £1000
- Half Page£600
- Quarter Page £350
- Eighth Page£180
- Sixteenth Page£95
- Covers [subject to availability] £1100
- Inserts from £45 per thousand [single sheet]
For information on special offers, preferred positions, inside cover prices, mono adverts rates, prepaid discounts and copy deadlines, organisations will need to ring up the magazine publishing company.
All prices + VAT at 17.5% and all advertising must be prepaid
Dogs Monthly magazine do not charge for artwork and design
I think Crufts have targeted the appropriate magazine for advertising their event as many people that are interested in dogs or own a dog will most likely read this magazine for tips on looking after a dog, information on up and coming dog events and shows which I think Crufts fits right into that category.
Good reflection - see if you can find a mediakit pon the website for this magazine and see if you can work out how much the ad would have cost - if you have time