Facebook is very similar twitter as you will find updates and news posted on the wall about Crufts. Also fans can leave comments and postings on the wall to give their opinion on what they think.
As well as a wall there are direct links to photographs and video links on which viewers can look at of previous Crufts shows and also pictures of people’s dogs that have took part in the competitions over the past years.
There is a separate section in the information tab at the top of the group page which clearly provides fans with information about the 2010 Crufts exhibition providing ticket prices, dates of the event, where the event is taking place, different dog breeds which will take part on different days etc.
On the left hand side of the page is a picture of the 2010 Crufts logo representing to fans that this is the official facebook page.
Also on the left hand side is a short summary of Crufts providing key points such as dates of the exhibition for fans and customers to see straight away and a promotional logo for a direct link to the Crufts official webpage for more information and a direct promotional link for buying tickets online.
Lastly on the left hand side shows different people (fans) that have joined the group page which viewers can then click onto their profiles and maybe socialise with as they might have similar interests such as dogs. Also there is a favourite page section which is recommend by other fans which certain fans might be interested in and other links outside of facebook such as YouTube to watch videos.

Babyshambles provides an official facebook page but similar to twitter there is not much updates for fans to see on the group.
The layout of the facebook page is the same as the Crufts one but has fewer details than Crufts. The facebook page provides a mini biography of the band, list of band members in Babyshambles and what instruments they play with a direct link to Babyshambles official webpage.
Also there is a special section for photographs of the band which the band have downloaded and fan photographs which fans have downloaded onto the group page of photographs of pervious gigs.
On the right hand side is the same layout as Crufts with a picture in the top right hand corner of the band representing that this is their official webpage and a short summary of who they are and what record deal they are signed to.
Also it shows the different fans which have joined the group and who are fans of Babyshambles. Also there has been one favourite page which the band has joined which is the Adam Ficek page who is a member of the band who has designed his own facebook page.

So in conclusion I have found out that both organisations provide to fans and visitors an official facebook page for fans to socialise and find updated information about the two events.
Similar to twitter, Crufts updates their fans with more current up to date news than the band Babyshambles being that Babyshambles last updated some news on the 07/02/2010 at 4.28pm while Crufts updated news on the 04/03/2010 at 10.00am making Crufts more reliable.
Finally there are 16,695 fans which have joined the Crufts facebook group compared to 86,115 fans for Babyshambles page making a difference 69,420 more fans for Babyshambles showing that more fans have joined up to facebook for news and updates instead of twitter for Babyshambles and that the band’s fan page is a bigger hit than the Crufts fan page.
Good analysis here. As you say Babyshambles has a much bigger following yet Cruftrs are making more effective use of the site