Target Audience
The main key target audience group for the Crufts exhibition 2010 are dog owners with their companions who are competing in the different breed categories on the different days of the exhibition to hopefully become successful of wining “Best in Breed” and to hopefully then qualify into the last day of Crufts with any luck of becoming “Best in Show”.
The second key target audience group are adults ranging from 20-50 year olds who are dog lovers that have a keen interest in dogs or even own a dog that may visit the exhibition to see the different breeds of dogs or maybe just to visit to find out information about a certain breed or product that are on offer.
Lastly the third key target audience group are families with child who come to the exhibition for a family day out to see different types of dogs and competitions and also to maybe to discover and obtain information of which dogs are ideal family pets.

The main key target audience group for the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10 are people who are dedicated devoted fans to the band who will just go to specifically see Babyshambles to support them and to see them live and up close.
The second key audience group are people who are interested in listening to that sort of music genre which is indie rock music that go because of that certain music but not really a massive fan of Babyshambles.
Finally my third key target audience group are people from the age range of 18-30 year olds the young generation that attend Babyshambles gigs as the vast majority of young people listen to a lot of alternative music and U.K chart music on which Babyshambles falls into that category.
So in conclusion of discovering who the key target audiences are for both my chosen events I have found out that their target audiences are totally different from one another being that Crufts appeals to people that have an interest in dogs whilst the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10 appeals to music goers.
Also there is a difference of why people go to that event for example people will go to Crufts to try and win a competition and to find out relevant information. While the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10 is held for people to enjoy a night out and to experience live music whilst socialising.
There is a difference within the age groups as I believe that Crufts appeals to the older generation and families whereas the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10 appeals to the younger generation.
Lastly I have found out that they do have one thing in common that visitors do attend these two different events because they all have the same interest and passion of attending these events on different levels but all want to enjoy the selves on the day of the event.
- All this target audience information is from past experience after attending Crufts exhibitions and Babyshambles Gigs.

To back up my personal experience of target audience, I gained some information from a Mintel report of facts and figures to back up evidence for the target audience for Babyshambles, as for Crufts I tried to carry out further research but couldn’t find anything else.
· Mintel Report: Music Concerts and Festivals- UK-August 2008
I have found out from a British Market survey that:
· 60 million visits are made to rock/pop, classical, jazz a year
· Rock/pop have 30.4 million attendances with 17.3 million people compared to classical being just 16.5 million attendances with 8.8 million people
· Making rock/pop a frequency of 1.8 visits per person a year compared to opera having 1.1 visits per person a year
· Live music consumers are worth nearly £2 billion with over £1 billion accounted by rock/pop and £500 million being classical events
· An average spend on a ticket for a pop/rock ticket is £35 while jazz and classical is £25 and £30
· Rock/pop target audience falls into the category of ABC1’S for the reason of concert/festival attendance biased towards these consumers for reasons of interest in culture, affluence and age
· Pop/rock concerts target people of the ages of 20-34 year olds
· Men are the main attendees from 15-34 year olds including 15-19 year olds and 35-54 year olds
So in conclusion it looks like my personal experience was right but it also shows that it today’s modern society that pop/rock music which Babyshambles fits into for live performances is more popular than classical and jazz. Pop/ Rock is more successful in attracting all types of ages from 15-54 year olds and is the biggest revenue generator for making profit in the live events industry being worth £1 billion in the business market.
Good comparison but can you prove that you are right with the target audience profiles through research in Mintel or on the websites - be good to have some actual quotes / evidence