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Thursday, 28 January 2010

How to buy tickets for the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10

Customers who want to purchase tickets for the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10 are able to purchase their tickets through two online official ticket outlets through the official Babyshambles MySpace page.

Through clicking the link at the bottom of the post which is clearly shown in bold to attract the customers eye so customers know where to book tickets, Customers will be directly linked to one of the official Babyshambles online ticket outlets on which customers can buy their tickets through an online easy step by step process

The first website Artist Ticket provides a direct link to the Babyshambles section but because the tour dates have passed by it means that the official online ticket outlet has deleted that section as the tour has passed.

Before hand the layout of the Babyshambles tour was presented by The Babyshambles logo in the centre of the page to inform customers that this is the place to buy Babyshambles tickets.
Underneath the logo was a simple structured table which listed the different tour dates and venues of where Babyshambles were performing. On the far right of the table on each different date and venue it had the word “order” where customers could then simply click on the word link which would then automatically transfer customers to the process stage of purchasing tickets.

The table used is a simple format for anyone to understand and is an attractive eye catchy table which doesn’t confuse customers easily.

The second official ticket outlet for buying Babyshambles tickets are:

If customers want to browse to see where Babyshambles are touring or to purchase tickets all customers have to do is to type in the left hand side in the search box for Babyshambles. After typing in the search box the online ticket office would directly find information about Babyshambles.

After finding the search customers can clearly see through a simple table where Babyshambles are touring and what date. On the right hand side where it says tickets sold out customers would normally find a link to purchase tickets which would then automatically direct customers to the online booking system which is an easy step by step guide for buying Babyshambles tickets.

So in conclusion of finding out how to purchase tickets for both my chosen events I have discovered that both events have teamed up with different partnerships with official online ticket outlets for customers to purchase their tickets. When using official online ticket outlets I have discovered that it is a lot quicker, less time consuming and an easier way to purchase tickets without getting confused or misheard.

There was a difference though being that Crufts offers a lot more methods of purchasing a ticket for example providing a ticket hotline for customers to ring up and talk to someone in person while Babyshambles only provided the option of booking online.

Another advantage that Crufts offered was a package deal of buying a ticket as well as transport included as I believe that this is much easier and less stress to worry about on the day of how to get there and back without having to miss the exhibition or gig.

Lastly Crufts offers visitors the chance to have the VIP experience throughout the time at Crufts while Babyshambles just offers a basic general gig ticket to the gig itself with no extra perks.

How to buy tickets for Crufts

Visitors who want to purchase official tickets for Crufts are able to get tickets from the Crufts official web site:

By clicking on that cyber link above visitors will then automatically be taken to The Ticket Factory who are the official online ticket line partnership with Crufts.

As soon as visitors click The Ticket Factory link it directly takes visitors to the Crufts ticket information page:

The layout of this format is clearly simple to use as the different types of days, dates and times are represented through a straight forward clear attractive table which grabs the attention of any type of customer which would be interested in attending Crufts. Also the table can be easily read and understood through the table format for purchasing tickets.

As well as providing a table for the visitor to decide which date they would like to go to, The ticket company has provided a short summary at the bottom of the page to quickly describe and inform customers of what Crufts is, what will be there on the day etc. This is to offer the audience a taste of what’s on offer at the Crufts 2010 exhibition.

Also there is an official webpage link to the official Crufts webpage advertising and promoting their official site and a picture is also represented to the right hand corner of the text to display last year’s “Best in Show” to remind visitors of what Crufts is really about finding the “Best in Show”.

Visitors can also purchase their Crufts tickets through a ticket hotline number which is provided on the Crufts official website under the heading Ticket Office:

Here visitors will be able to see straight away a phone number to ring up, the number is represented in bold text so that visitors can clearly see the number highlighted and hopefully won’t be able to get confused or mixed up when writing down or dialling the number.

On Crufts official page they provide visitors with the opportunity to either purchase VIP tickets through their parent company The Crufts Patrons Club which offers visitors the chance to experience Crufts in style providing an exclusive lounge, afternoon tea, Show guide and a two course lunch.

Visitors can find out more about The Crufts Patrons Club by following the official link on the Crufts official website which will take visitors directly to The Crufts Patrons Club with an easy step by step format to ordering their tickets.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Target Audience


The main key target audience group for the Crufts exhibition 2010 are dog owners with their companions who are competing in the different breed categories on the different days of the exhibition to hopefully become successful of wining “Best in Breed” and to hopefully then qualify into the last day of Crufts with any luck of becoming “Best in Show”.

The second key target audience group are adults ranging from 20-50 year olds who are dog lovers that have a keen interest in dogs or even own a dog that may visit the exhibition to see the different breeds of dogs or maybe just to visit to find out information about a certain breed or product that are on offer.

Lastly the third key target audience group are families with child who come to the exhibition for a family day out to see different types of dogs and competitions and also to maybe to discover and obtain information of which dogs are ideal family pets.


The main key target audience group for the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10 are people who are dedicated devoted fans to the band who will just go to specifically see Babyshambles to support them and to see them live and up close.

The second key audience group are people who are interested in listening to that sort of music genre which is indie rock music that go because of that certain music but not really a massive fan of Babyshambles.

Finally my third key target audience group are people from the age range of 18-30 year olds the young generation that attend Babyshambles gigs as the vast majority of young people listen to a lot of alternative music and U.K chart music on which Babyshambles falls into that category.

So in conclusion of discovering who the key target audiences are for both my chosen events I have found out that their target audiences are totally different from one another being that Crufts appeals to people that have an interest in dogs whilst the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10 appeals to music goers.

Also there is a difference of why people go to that event for example people will go to Crufts to try and win a competition and to find out relevant information. While the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10 is held for people to enjoy a night out and to experience live music whilst socialising.

There is a difference within the age groups as I believe that Crufts appeals to the older generation and families whereas the Babyshambles Tour 2009/10 appeals to the younger generation.

Lastly I have found out that they do have one thing in common that visitors do attend these two different events because they all have the same interest and passion of attending these events on different levels but all want to enjoy the selves on the day of the event.

  • All this target audience information is from past experience after attending Crufts exhibitions and Babyshambles Gigs.

To back up my personal experience of target audience, I gained some information from a Mintel report of facts and figures to back up evidence for the target audience for Babyshambles, as for Crufts I tried to carry out further research but couldn’t find anything else.

· Mintel Report: Music Concerts and Festivals- UK-August 2008

I have found out from a British Market survey that:

· 60 million visits are made to rock/pop, classical, jazz a year

· Rock/pop have 30.4 million attendances with 17.3 million people compared to classical being just 16.5 million attendances with 8.8 million people

· Making rock/pop a frequency of 1.8 visits per person a year compared to opera having 1.1 visits per person a year

· Live music consumers are worth nearly £2 billion with over £1 billion accounted by rock/pop and £500 million being classical events

· An average spend on a ticket for a pop/rock ticket is £35 while jazz and classical is £25 and £30

· Rock/pop target audience falls into the category of ABC1’S for the reason of concert/festival attendance biased towards these consumers for reasons of interest in culture, affluence and age

· Pop/rock concerts target people of the ages of 20-34 year olds

· Men are the main attendees from 15-34 year olds including 15-19 year olds and 35-54 year olds

So in conclusion it looks like my personal experience was right but it also shows that it today’s modern society that pop/rock music which Babyshambles fits into for live performances is more popular than classical and jazz. Pop/ Rock is more successful in attracting all types of ages from 15-54 year olds and is the biggest revenue generator for making profit in the live events industry being worth £1 billion in the business market.

Thursday, 21 January 2010


“A sponsor is an individual or group that provides support to an event, person and organisation financially or through the provision of products or services.”
“Sponsorship is a cash or in-kind fee paid to a property such as entertainment, sports in return for access to the exploitable commercial capability associated with that property”

An example of sponsorship can be Nike, who is a sports company that sponsor one of the U.K’s most famous football teams Man United who provide equipment for the football team in exchange for brand recognition.

Other reasons for sponsorship may include signage at music and sports events, local or national media coverage and maybe promotional opportunities before and after the event.

After Researching information about Crufts I have found out on their official website www.crufts.org.uk that they are sponsored with the following companies for 2010:


DFS is massively excited to be the principal sponsor of Crufts 2010. The event is part of the fabric of British life and it is always clear to see that dogs enjoy being in the limelight in the show ring, just as much as cuddling up with their owners on the sofa. DFS is proud to be involved in an event that is dedicated to ensuring that dogs have happy, healthy and comfortable lives.”

Eukanuba- http://www.eukanuba.co.uk/

Eukanuba are now into their third year of being one of the sponsors for Crufts. Eukanuba are a pet food company which try to create pet food of nutritional high quality animal based protein products.
There nutritional products include special veterinary prescription diets and tailored nutrition for life stage, breed size, activity levels etc.

Because Eukanuba is a respected known company for providing different nutritional needs for different breeds of dog, it has led the company to go into partnership with breeders and major dog organisations such as the Kennel Club.

Visitors who attend Crufts will be able to find the Eukanuba stand in the exhibition halls where visitors can discuss their dog’s dietary needs and be able to see the special offers that they have on the Eukanuba ranges of dog food.

ProPlan- http://www.purina-proplan.com/uk/

ProPlan is a range of dog food by Purina which is one of the leading pet food brands throughout the U.K.
ProPlan is tailored food to meet the specific requirements of dogs at each life stage and includes special lifestyle formulas.

At Crufts visitors can discover exactly what their dog needs for a lifetime of natural protection by heading down to the ProPlan stall for information and advice.

Samsung Electronics (U.K) Ltd-

Samsung is now in its 18th year of sponsoring Crufts and still continues to support Animal Welfare (ensuring that all animals owned by humans have their basic needs fulfilled in terms of water, food, shelter and health.)

Samsung are also involved in funding Samsung Guide Dogs for the Blind based in Korea where growing number of dogs are trained every year.
Lastly Samsung are involved with helping fund the Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind Guide Dog School to ensure that all their trainers are qualified to the highest international standards.

Official Sponsors

Arden Grange- http://www.ardengrange.com/

Arden Grange is a family run business based outside Brighton who produces Super Premium pet foods for dogs and cats since 1996.
Arden Grange use only the best quality, natural and wholesome ingredients in all their pet products for your dog or cat providing them with a highly appetising, nutritionally complete and balanced meal.

Lastly the company will provide your pet with different food products to suit your pets life stage, breed size and activity level.

R&L Pet Products Ltd- http://www.rlpetproducts.co.uk/

R&L Pet Products Ltd are a company who are sponsoring Crufts and are there to sponser the official cleaning team with Urine Off which is the original odour and stain remover.

Visitors will be able to visit their stand to see fantastic modern products such as Urine Off, Yard Clean and Drinkwell Pet Water Foundations all for the benefit of your pet’s health and well-being and for your home.

Royal Canin-

Royal Canin was the first ever company to design special food and offer specially developed food for different sized dogs.
Royal Canin will be the sponsors of Discover Dogs exhibition and will be looking forward to having the chance to meet visitors and their dogs on finding the right food for their canine.


After Reaseaching the sponsers for the Babyshambles U.K Tour 2009/10 I found the following sponsers:

NME Radio- http://www.nme.com/radio

NME Radio will be the main sponsor for the Babyshambles 2009/10 tour across the U.K. NME Radio is a radio station adapted to the famous U.K rock magazine NME. NME broadcasts new and alternative music and was established in June on the 24th 2008.

It is owned and operated by DX Media located in the radio studio in the Blue Fin Building on London’s South Banks and also home to NME magazine’s parent company IPC Media.

Xfm- http://www.xfm.co.uk/

Xfm will be the second sponsor for the Babyshambles 2009/10 tour across the U.K. Xfm is a commercial radio station dedicated to alternative music mainly being indie pop. It is owned by the company Global Radio who are a British commercial radio company in the United Kingdom.

Xfm was established in 1992 by Sammy Jacob who is co-founder of the NME Radio in 2008. The radio station is currently on four stations: Xfm London, Xfm Manchester, XFM Scotland and XFM South Wales.

In conclusion I have found out that all the different sponsors for my two chosen events all want the same thing which is publicity to advertise their different products and services to the general public and other organisations.

For the Crufts exhibition I have noticed that there are lots of sponsored organisations that are dog food companies which are there to advertise pet food and give out free samples to the general public so hopefully then dog owners will start to buy the sponsored organisations products in the future and scrap the old products.

Lastly NME Radio and Xfm have become sponsors for the Babyshambles 2009/10 Tour as they both want to promote their different radio stations to fans and visitors that attend the gig so that both radio stations can gain more listeners and maybe help to promote and get a wider range of listeners around different regions of the U.K as Babyshambles are doing a tour around different parts of the U.K

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

What my two chosen events are and what do they do

Crufts is an annual international championship breed show for dogs. The event is hosted by the Kennel Club which is a governing body for pedigree dogs in the U.K who's main objective is to promote in every way, the general improvement of dogs.

The event is held annually in the month of March at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham, England and last for four days.

The 2010 crufts exhibition will be held on 11-14th March 2010.

Crufts is the largest international dog show in the world as is declared by the Guinness World Records.

Crufts consists of various competitions occurring at the same time such as Agility where dogs will be able to compete in an assault course. But the main competition is to win the Best in Show Award which is considered to be the highest award achievable by a dog and its owner throughout the world.

Because Crufts is run throughout four days to the build up on the last day of Best In Show, Crufts provides different days for different breed categories to compete.

This year the following breeds are on the following days:

  • Thursday: Working and Pastoral

  • Friday:Terrier and Hound

  • Saturday:Toy and Utility

  • Sunday: Gundog

As well as visitor's just going to watch dogs in different competitions, Visitors can also experience over hundreds of trade stands offering everything that you and your canine could possibly want and is the place to check out all the latest trends and fashion for your two and four legged friends.

Are you wanting a pet dog? But don't know which breed to decide from then Crufts provides a Discover Dogs area where the general public can see, meet and discover over 200 breeds of pedigree dogs. Here you will be able to gain first hand advice on looking after, training, grooming and finding out if that type of dog is perfect for you!.

Tickets prices for Crufts for this year are:

Adult - £13
Child (5 -15) - £9
Student/Senior Citizen/Registered Disabled - £9
4 day Adult ticket - £46
Best in Show - ranges from £17 - £25

Here is a video of an interview with Clare Balding a famous Crufts presenter which gives viewers an insight of a sample of what Crufts is like on the day:

Babyshambles are an English Indie Rock band who were established in 2003 in London, The band were formed by Pete Doherty when he had a break from his former band The libertines. But Pete Doherty's main project is concentrating on Babyshambles.

Babyshambles have had two successful albums: Down In Albion (2005), Shotter's Nation (2007) and a new Babyshambles album is due to be released this year (2010) but no confirmation dates such as yet.

Babyshambles have had famous hit records such as: F**k Forever, which reached number 4 in the U.K single chart, Albion, which reached number 8 in the U.K single chart, Delivery, reaching number six in the U.K single chart.

The band have received a great deal of attention from the British tabloid press due to the interest of Pete Doherty's personal life.

Babyshambles have had huge success in the past with sold out live tours in September and October 2004 and due to public demand the band did another tour in December 2004.

In November 2007 the band played their first arena tour, performing at major U.K arena's such as Newcastle Metro Radio Arena, MEN Arena in Manchester, The Nottingham Arena, Birmingham National Indoor Arena, London's Wembley Arena etc.Babyshambles have also played at major U.K summer festivals in summer 2007: Oxegen, V festival, T In The Park and Glastonbury.

So now Babyshambles have announced a new tour for the end of 2009/2010 to provide fans with a live shows and sneaky peaks of new tracks off their new album which is due for release this year.

Here is a sample of Babyshambles Live at Glastonbury Festival in 2009: